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> 700 line init ... written about 1200 more lines

"happily using vanilla Emacs" indeed.

Well, you're right, it's not so vanilla anymore. :)

But that has accumulated over the course of about 10 years, so its really not a lot. And the possibility of having everything just the way I like is what drew me to Emacs in the first place! A shorter config would be an indication that either (1) I happened to like everything exactly the way it was by default, or (2) annoyances can't actually be fixed. I don't think any software could fall into (1) (right?, there's always something you wish were slightly different, or something you want to automate) and Emacs, unlike most programs, does not fall into (2).

Also if you saw my configuration and compared it people who use Doom or Spacemacs, or even just Helm or Ivy, you'd think my Emacs is very vanilla.

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