Does anyone have recommendations for writing Arduino code without the Processing-based Arduino IDE? I'm sure there must be a not-too-difficult makefile-based compile/upload configuration, but I'm not aware of any (nor do I trust myself to write one from scratch).
At this point, the Arduino IDE is my least favorite part of the whole ecosystem.
Arduino has recently modularised their IDE, and the arduino-cli can be used to crate a sketch, compile it and flash the board:
I've managed to setup Code::Blocks[0] to use WinAVR to program Arduinos. Here's a guide[1] I found for that. It works, but I probably forgot to add some optimization flags, because the code ran slower than when compiled with the Arduino IDE.
And then I realized, you can just take any .c or .cpp written for the AVR, rename it to .ino, put it in a folder with the same name, and use the Arduino IDE to compile and flash.
So I never really use C::B for the Arduino anymore, I just write the code in Notepad++[2] and use the Arduino IDE to upload.
Atmel Studio. It was very easy to set up, and can call AVRdude for uploading. It has the ability to import typical Arduino projects, so you can either keep using the Arduino libraries or convert the project to pure C/C++.
I really wanted to use Atmel Studio, but couldn't get it working correctly on Arch Linux + wine. Can't imagine why such a major company wouldn't support Linux native.
PlatformIO plugin for VSCode. There's a bit of a learning curve, especially for folder structuring requirements, but overall it makes you stay organized in a consistent and repeatable way. It's also great if you're working with more than just Arduino framework (Espressif, Kendryte, STM32), as you can keep your code modular and easily apply it to different microcontrollers.
I had good luck with Atmel Studio which is a variant of MS visual studio. This was on the ARM based arduino parts. It overwrote the arduino boot loader. The debugger was actually useful!
I haven't done it personally... but I also haven't yet poked much into Arduino either. I'm still having fun with Raspberry Pis. Arduinos... are a little more in-depth.
I have used emacs on linux before and it's fine. However I don't know how well it works with non standard arduinos like atttiny. I can't remember the exact write-up I used but I just googled emacs arduino.
One thing I've learned from maintaining an Arduino library [1] for the last 10+ years: make the API as simple as possible. Lots of people discover programming with Arduino, making the experience enjoyable for them requires abstracting a lot of things away.
Things can be as complex as reasonable in the implementation, but providing helpers, macros & shortcuts (as well as good documentation and examples as stated in the blog post) makes the learning curve less steep.
How about write in C, rather than C++, so you don't force C++ on your users. I mean, if you're going to go so far as to recommend avoiding pointers in your api because your users can't understand them, why in the hell would you then go write a library in C++?
In C return value optimization is not a problem to begin with. There are many more side effects in C++ that could inhibit (have inhibited) return value optimization, by e.g. overloading operators. The standard actually changes the behavior of side effects to allow for return value optimization, i.e. code acts differently depending on whether it's return value optimized or not. I don't feel like any of this is consistent or simpler than C.
C gives you O(N) memcpy, C++ gives you O(1) do-stuff-in-place for the exact same code
> overloading operators
has exactly zero things to do with RVO
> I don't feel like any of this is consistent or simpler than C.
it produces vastly simpler user code. In years and years of programming in C++ never has "code acts differently depending on whether it's return value optimized or not" been an issue for anyone I know.
At this point, the Arduino IDE is my least favorite part of the whole ecosystem.