"web developers who project after project are forced to write CSS Hacks, conditional comments, etc. know that improvements to IE have been slow and minimal"
Not my experience. IE8 seems to have its act together, at least on CSS 2.1 compliance. Granted, conditional comments are still necessary for IE6 and IE7, but MS has made big improvements.
Same here. I agree that IE6&7 were bad, but I didn't have to "hack around" for IE8 and IE9. Of course, if you do need to hack around, then you are probably not doing what is considered as "standard". A lot of things that we, early adapters, talk about (e.g. HTML5) aren't standard, yet.
This modern browser crap is getting old. I have no problem browsing internet with both IE9, Chrome, and Firefox.
Not my experience. IE8 seems to have its act together, at least on CSS 2.1 compliance. Granted, conditional comments are still necessary for IE6 and IE7, but MS has made big improvements.