Kind of off topic, but I'm amazed by this website's home page with the "steps". I like the format. Jordan Belfort said in his book that one key characteristic of good salespeople is that they take control over the sales process, making any kind of potential customer walk the steps you have defined as your sales process. When you take that lead and master it, you can sell to virtually anyone in front of you.
I just hate it when I discover a cool blog post and the person seemed cool too but then I didn't know what to do next. So I thought I would just walk them through what I want them to do.
Then one day I talked with a designer friend about what Reddit is and why I like it. He is in his 40s and had never heard of it. He then immediately said to me "Wtf are you saying you are great at sales!". Until that point I had never realized talking about stuff you love is actually pitching.
Did he buy something? A lot of people like to fuck, you want to hear their adventures all day? I think your perspective how good you are will change when your future is actually dependent on selling . Don't let office politics foul you.