You seem to be living in some imaginary world in which Dropbox is able to sell to enterprise companies of all sizes and yet privacy is not even a consideration. A little weird how most companies are extremely hesitant due to concerns about compliance, regulatory and privacy issues and yet unbeknownst to them (but known to you apparently), privacy isn't even a consideration at DB! You might have legitimate complaints about the level of security DB offers, but to claim privacy isn't even a consideration is just stretching it to absurdity because DB would have ZERO chance or selling to a large portion of its highest paying customers if privacy and security weren't considerations at all.
I haven't made any complaints about Dropbox's security. I made complaints about their privacy - which you are incredibly naive about.
Have you ever built a business on the dropbox API? Have you ever had to store and manage thousands of "full access" tokens of other users? Are you aware that every 3rd party that has a "full access" token has unbound access to read any of the files since the files are unencrypted?
The following url tells you how many 3rd parties have "full access" to your dropbox files. Take a moment to appreciate your privacy is dependant on the security and discretion of each and every one of those 3rd parties.
Excuse me for saying I think there is a lot of unnecessary rage-caps and hostile sarcasm in this reply. Gp is not personally attacking you, but it reads like you take threats to Dropbox's honor pretty personally.
I do not think gp is living in imaginary worlds for example.