You can significantly change your lifestyle and decision making process that will lead to behaviours that reduce your footprint.
... or were you looking for an answer like "buy some carbon offsets"?
I really don't want to pick on the parent comment, but the question seems like "Is there an easy way to effect meaningful, systematic change?"
I hear a lot of people talking about this and related issues but the things they propose are just not going to get it done. No one wants to stop traveling, drive less, eat local produce all winter, give up a globalized supply chain and their current lifestyle; meanwhile the frog is being slowly boiled alive...
I discussed this with a coworker the other day - buying carbon offsets is a good way of pricing convenience vs urge to do good in the environment.
He drives to work every day, because taking the bus is a hassle/takes time, etc. What's the value to him of taking the bus? Helping the environment in some unspecified way. If he pays for carbon offsets for his driving, he can now say "hey, taking the bus saves me $x/month, I think that's (not) worth it".
Hear hear! I feel like carbon offsets are basically the contemporary version of Catholic indulgences. Don't change your behavior one iota, but still feel guilt-free because you've paid for your forgiveness.
It's incredible how hard it is to motivate people to change their behaviors even just a little. Even just tiny things like convincing people to grab a real glass from the cabinet to get water instead of a single-use plastic cup on top of the water cooler at work seem impossible.
... or were you looking for an answer like "buy some carbon offsets"?
I really don't want to pick on the parent comment, but the question seems like "Is there an easy way to effect meaningful, systematic change?"
I hear a lot of people talking about this and related issues but the things they propose are just not going to get it done. No one wants to stop traveling, drive less, eat local produce all winter, give up a globalized supply chain and their current lifestyle; meanwhile the frog is being slowly boiled alive...