Just a random note, I recently switched VSCode to a white background and loving it! I guess, I'm over dark mode everything. For me it seems to help focus better to code on white background.
It's hard to explain, but the white background feels like, psychologically "freeing" - if that makes any sense. It feels like everything is "open" and "fresh".
We evolved to detect predators in greenery. I use a light green theme.
in Visual Studio Code settings.json edit those line : "workbench.colorTheme": "Default Light+","workbench.colorCustomizations": { "editor.background": "#e0ffec", },
What works for me is Solarized Light (or variants) when in a bright room or using a glossy screen. When in a dark environment or if I have access to a non glossy screen I switch to Solarized Dark. Currently the iPad is set to Grayscale mode with Night Shift On. Over the years I have now accepted that a single setting is not going to work and I need to select a handful of them to switch between.
I sometimes switch to light mode when working in bright sunlight. Otherwise (especially at night) I prefer dark (pitch black with high contrast!) mode.