> Can someone make a phone call and appear to have a different number?
I imagine so. It is quite easy to test. Here in Canada, if you verify your phone number with Google Hangouts [0], calls you make using Hangouts Dialer or through Gmail interface will show it originating from your phone number, even though it is originating from Google servers, not your phone. It seems Hangouts Dialer is available throughout EU. Have you tried using it?
I imagine so. It is quite easy to test. Here in Canada, if you verify your phone number with Google Hangouts [0], calls you make using Hangouts Dialer or through Gmail interface will show it originating from your phone number, even though it is originating from Google servers, not your phone. It seems Hangouts Dialer is available throughout EU. Have you tried using it?
[0] https://support.google.com/hangouts/answer/3116671