I don't know why you're being downvoted. It's a legitimate question. I had a hard time figuring out whether it was a joke or not. I remain convinced that it's either a joke or just some dumb, wishful prank.
"no superfluous features" ... but it includes an MP3 player.
"any ordinary pen or pencil usage" "real paper design"
"solar energy backside cover"
"no antialiasing (on of our best features)"
"180 hours battery life" ... So 180 hours of OCR on a 6mm thick device? Sure. That's totally plausible.
HN's bullshit detector has been firmly switched to the "off" position.
I doubt the OCR would be 'live'. More likely, it would be used when transferring files back to your computer. As the device doesn't have wifi or any files to rename, there is nothing that would take character input on the device..