> Under the Affordable Care Act, hospitals must pay a penalty for each hospital-acquired-infection (HAI) occurring within their in-patient population. As a result, if a patient dies from a superbug contracted during a procedure such as surgery, the official cause of death may be instead listed as “Complications from Surgery.” Consistent and systemic undercounting of illnesses and deaths from resistant infections further discourages the development of new antibiotics as the number of patients who need these medicines may appear to be very small.
Sounds like the regulatory environment is overriding any market forces or customer needs.
Pick any problem that regulation causes and you'll find some people saying that the real problem is that the regulation doesn't go far enough. You can listen to these people and expand regulation an indefinite number of times until you end up with a full command economy --- and we all know how well command economies work.
Sounds like the regulatory environment is overriding any market forces or customer needs.