If we had sites where content couldn't be blocked, all this angst about blocking would just be lulz.
And it's not even hard. Torrenting and streaming through VPN services still work well enough. We just need implementations at mass market scale. Some of those cryptocurrency whales ought to get on it.
Belated edit: I recall in the mid-late 90s that the internet was headed toward P2P, mix networks, and other noncommercial stuff. We got Usenet newsgroups, Cypherpunk/Mixmaster remailers, Freenet, Tor, Napster, BitTorrent, etc.
But now we've gone commercial/centralized again. Like AOL/Prodigy reborn. And worse than that, we have smartphones designed to neutralize privacy and foster dependency on commercial bullshit. More like game systems than PCs.
Sure, there's cool stuff like IPFS and Signal. But mostly it's all so depressing.
> I've said this 1000 times, but garbage like Facebook or Twitter could be replaced overnight by a protocol. There is really zero reason it couldn't be built from existing distributed tooling, be secure and just as useful without lizard people getting in the way. -- scottlocklin
But there's nothing about privacy, and the only comment that mentions "censor" is in favor.
If we had sites where content couldn't be blocked, all this angst about blocking would just be lulz.
And it's not even hard. Torrenting and streaming through VPN services still work well enough. We just need implementations at mass market scale. Some of those cryptocurrency whales ought to get on it.