Elementary OS is really good, I think you'll like it quite a bit. Also check out Bitwig - if you've used Ableton you'll find it familiar. Guitarix is a really cool free amp emulator as well.
I really love Linux, especially on the desktop. With that said, I've stopped attempting to use it to make music. There's just too much babysitting that needs to be done [1]. A 2015 15" MBP with Ableton is the perfect machine for me and lets me stay in my creative zone. Your experience might be different though, good luck!
I really love Linux, especially on the desktop. With that said, I've stopped attempting to use it to make music. There's just too much babysitting that needs to be done [1]. A 2015 15" MBP with Ableton is the perfect machine for me and lets me stay in my creative zone. Your experience might be different though, good luck!
[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/WeAreTheMusicMakers/comments/9lv9ey...