> If you race through chains of synonyms, changing between definitions along the way, you can get almost anywhere. Why does this matter?
I am not racing through chains of synonyms.
What I was trying to elucidate was that the use of "dumbest", when the repo is ".../simplelb", and the very first line of the README says the project "is the simplest Load Balancer ever created" might, just might, lead people to think that "dumbest" is being used in this context as a synonym for "simplest".
Which might, just might, cause people to consider it for uses this project is not intended to satisfy.
I would really love to meet the person that knows the English language well enough to understand that dumb can sometimes mean simple but also would interpret that sentence to mean “world simplest Load balancer”.
Very strange axe you have to grind for a very unlikely hypothetical. Just because something is possible doesn’t mean it is probable.
And here's the full list of synonyms listed there:
> airheaded, birdbrained, bonehead, boneheaded, brain-dead, brainless, bubbleheaded, chuckleheaded, dense, dim, dim-witted, doltish, dopey (also dopy), dorky [slang], dull, dunderheaded, empty-headed, fatuous, gormless [chiefly British], half-witted, knuckleheaded, lamebrain (or lamebrained), lunkheaded, mindless, oafish, obtuse, opaque, pinheaded, senseless, simple, slow, slow-witted, soft, softheaded, stupid, thick, thick-witted, thickheaded, unintelligent, unsmart, vacuous, weak-minded, witless