Googling “ruby report a bug” gives me a How To Report Bugs in Ruby page, given that it’s a preview release wouldn’t it make sense to use those instructions to report? Or the instructions didn’t work?
It’s usually a hassle. You have to be very clear about what you were doing, what your environment is, what the expected result was, what actually happened, and how to reproduce it. And even your comment doesn’t link directly to the page, so googling is yet another step.
Steps add up. I just think the process shouldn’t be so expensive. Goodwill is nice, but people aren’t getting paid for it. (If only someone could figure out how to convert bug reports into money. It’s possible; bug bounties tend to be limited to security, but they’re successful in general.)
Build failed.
Spent 5 or 10 minutes trying to figure out how to report the problem, and then gave up.