> "Remote workers shouldn’t feel like they have to travel to lead interesting, fulfilled lives. It’s ok to prioritize friendships, community, and your mental health over traveling. It may not look as glamorous on Instagram, but you may end up a lot happier for it"
It's always enriching to read personal perspective from people that live on a bubble different than mine.
I want to start working remotely to be able to avoid commutes and to have more flexibility on how I manage my time during the day. It never crossed my mind that I should be traveling.
I would phrase that it is not ok to not prioritize friendships and mental health over traveling.
But different bubbles offer different peer pressures. It is good to know about them in order to also understand my own bubble better
It's always enriching to read personal perspective from people that live on a bubble different than mine.
I want to start working remotely to be able to avoid commutes and to have more flexibility on how I manage my time during the day. It never crossed my mind that I should be traveling.
I would phrase that it is not ok to not prioritize friendships and mental health over traveling.
But different bubbles offer different peer pressures. It is good to know about them in order to also understand my own bubble better