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> Without ego humanity may not have made it this far.

This far? You mean on the road to our complete extinction due to our incomparable stupidity? I sometimes feel truly ashamed to be a human. It's the ego that ruins it all, we could have been so much further. People should learn to be more humble and reject the desire for authority.

> People should learn to be more humble and reject the desire for authority.

Authoritarianism is a horrible force in the world. But it does not mean that ego does not exist, even in fighting against authority. Ego tells you to fight.

One needs an ego to know that authoritarians should be pushed back, walls should be torn down not constructed.

Awareness of ego is the first step in rejecting authority telling you what to do. Authoritarians have their ego tightly coupled to self, and don't realize it is an abstraction of self.

Authority should always be questioned and never trusted because the world operates on self-interest, that is the nature of the game.

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