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Our school system.. We don't dare to be honest we do not know stuff. For our entire youth we are punished for that with bad figures and bullying.

Therefore the picture at the top of the article is so fitting. Especially lots of people that are graduated have some kind of air around them. Our educational system fucks the mind and ego. Is Einstein not enough prove for the 'being educated' fallacy? He despised the educational system, and I think he was also very right about that.

But tbh our school system just teaches a baseline of abilities we think our youths should know. I honestly don't believe pupils are expected to know everything besides what was agreed on...

> But tbh our school system just teaches a baseline of abilities we think our youths should know.

Just teaches? You mean forces upon children maybe? So what about being punished for not reaching that baseline? What do we learn from that? We learn so much more than the stuff in the textbooks. Our schools and surroundings teach us to be stupid about so many things, it's completely overlooked.

If the result of schools were to be good, how come this civilization is characterized by: war, pollution, destruction of species, poverty, etc, etc.. Something must be wrong there, it must be our education not coincidence.

> a baseline of abilities we think our youths should know.

Yes interesting. What 'we' think.. I think differently, for sure.

While school can and should be improved in many countries, I think it's not really fair to make it out as the root of all evil. That assumes school is an all powerful tool to mold children's minds, when there are so many environmental and genetic factors influencing behavior. As for the societal issues you mention: I think they all have massively complex root causes I couldn't do justice just in a HN comment. But in short: Can world peace be achieved through education? I don't see how.

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