He raises a good point though because even if it's not a product for some people, they will still have their data harvested without consent as a result of talking in proximity of a person wearing one such pair.
By the way, is there a gender-neutral third-person pronoun besides the singular "they"? It can get confusing to some people. "It" can probably get confusing too, and I think it is also considered rude to refer to people by "it". I have never used "it" to refer to people. Many languages have gender-neutral third-person personal pronouns. I wish English had something that is less ambiguous than "they" or "their" (I know, context!). Maybe I should just start using "s/he".
I hang out with a lot of queer/non-binary/agender/etc folks and "they" is generally the preferred choice for both people whose gender you don't know and for a lot of enbys. There is a very small set of agender people who would like to be called "it" but for the most part that's considered a dehumanizing insult, yeah - don't call anyone "it" unless that person has specifically said that's their preferred pronouns.
People have proposed [a bunch of gender-neutral pronouns](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third-person_pronoun#Alternati...) (scroll down a bit and you'll find a chart) but none of them have achieved sufficient usage to stop sounding kind of weird and funny to most English-speaking ears.
s/he will probably work for written text... until you end up in circles with enough people who prefer "they" for it to start being a problem. Maybe you never will, I dunno. If you're in a large software company on the West Coast you probably will.