Couldn't the same argument be made, even more so, with other areas of the technology market? When is the last time there has been a must have entry level digital camera? Or that one laptop that everyone has to have (although certain models stand out, keep in mind that the average consumer is spending in the under $800 range). Even devices where this is less of a choice, such as with iPods, there is still a range for what different feature choices people want, as well as other moderately successful devices. I'm just not understanding the point... walking into a Best Buy to get a gadget has always been this way.
If you really want a good example of where there is "too much choice" (in my opinion of course), look at video cards. Unless you follow hardware, it's very difficult to differentiate between models, or even have any sense of comparison. It's all hidden behind strange model numbers which seem to have no correlation between features.
(Well, either that, or I'm an idiot who just doesn't understand video cards.)
You're right that you could make the same argument for other gadgets, and he does mention tablets at the end of the article , but it's really true for almost all consumer goods today. If you really want to understand this argument better, I highly recommend The Paradox of Choice by Barry Schwartz. He argues that the abundance of choice in today's world is making us less satisfied with our decisions.