which is a complete must read story for anyone interested in this kind of article and led to much of the current cyber-crime coordination in the US (e.g. US-CERT, etc).
from that book:
"On the heels of Steve's call, Mike Muuss of the Ballistic Research Laboratory called.
In Aberdeen, Maryland, the Army runs a research and development laboratory;
it's one of the last government labs that doesn't farm out its research to private
contractors. Mike's their computer honcho.
Mike Muuss's famous throughout the Unix community as a pioneer in networking and as a
creator of elegant programs to replace awkward ones. As Mike puts it, good programs
aren't written or built. They're grown. A six-foot-tall, mustached runner,
he's incredibly driven, intense, and obsessed. Mike's paid his dues on ancient
versions of Unix, dating back to the '70s. When Mike talks, other wizards listen."
here, by a PDP/11 (not sure which person he is):
and mentioned in Clifford Stolls book 'the cuckoos egg' (1989):
which is a complete must read story for anyone interested in this kind of article and led to much of the current cyber-crime coordination in the US (e.g. US-CERT, etc).
from that book: