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also the author of brl-cad, fwiw:


here, by a PDP/11 (not sure which person he is):


and mentioned in Clifford Stolls book 'the cuckoos egg' (1989):


which is a complete must read story for anyone interested in this kind of article and led to much of the current cyber-crime coordination in the US (e.g. US-CERT, etc).

from that book:

    "On the heels of Steve's call, Mike Muuss of the Ballistic Research Laboratory called. 
    In Aberdeen, Maryland, the Army runs a research and development laboratory;
    it's one of the last government labs that doesn't farm out its research to private
    contractors. Mike's their computer honcho.

    Mike Muuss's famous throughout the Unix community as a pioneer in networking and as a 
    creator of elegant programs to replace awkward ones. As Mike puts it, good programs 
    aren't written or built. They're grown. A six-foot-tall, mustached runner, 
    he's incredibly driven, intense, and obsessed. Mike's paid his dues on ancient 
    versions of Unix, dating back to the '70s. When Mike talks, other wizards listen."

Now, I'm wondering if there's a BRL-CAD around that will still run on a PDP-11/70 so I have some actual excuse to buy and build the PiDP-11... https://obsolescence.wixsite.com/obsolescence/pidp-11

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