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I guess Rippletoe stole it from Bill Starr "Strongest shall survive; strength training for football" then.

This study is bloody awful. For all we know it's the fruit loops which improve rat cognitive function.

The only good thing I'll say about it, is when the NYT starts reporting on the health benefits of X, it means X (drinking red wine, high fat diets, etc) has become trendy among the self regarding upper middle class. Weights; it's about time.

> when the NYT starts reporting on the health benefits of X, it means X (drinking red wine, high fat diets, etc) has become trendy among the self regarding upper middle class

I realized long ago so many of my long-term life decisions were based on thinkpieces in The Atlantic, The New York Times, or a similar publication.

Choosing experiences over stuff, eating only "real food" and cutting out sugar, getting more involved in community events and not being such a shut in -- all traced back to thinkpieces.

Could be worse: could be Joe Rogan (aka Oprah for dudes).

The Times definitely wasn't writing about such matters when it was a working class hobby; now that the upper middles have discovered crossfit...

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