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React might be a UI library, but the post doesn't describe the concept in terms of application in a UI library, but as a general concept (examples given include logging and exception handling, and are not tied to UI needs).

Second, React might be a UI library, but its need / uses / limits in using for something like "algebraic effects" could be similar to the ones encountered 30+ years ago in non-UI domains.

Not to mention the biggest fault in this comment: the domains where Dan got the idea of Algebraic Effects from are already non UI -- he got it from functional programming research in non-UI specific domains and languages.

Which means that he could just as well use the original, also non-UI, concepts, was he aware of them.

A more valid response along your reasoning would be that of course not everybody can/knows every prior art. That's true, and valid. But the argument that prior art is not relevant in this case because we're talking about UI is not...

>It's a nice trivia, but what should we do with this information?

Evaluate it, enrich our understanding of it, find prior uses and limits (and not just the current re-implementation of the concept) and so on?

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