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Old-skool virus writers still exist. (pastebin.com)
88 points by FSecurePal on Dec 29, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 59 comments

What exactly is "Old-skool" in virus-writing and what is new-school?

Back in the days viruses had to hide themselves in executables to travel from machine to machine, undetected.

Today, as most users don't care about what processes are running on their system, and since the most common vector of infection is through the internet, what we call "viruses" are actually worms: they don't infect other programs, they are just self-replicating, malicious, executables.

older school: boot sector viruses which triggered when an infected floppy was left in a machine on bootup. They'd then TSR and infect any other floppys inserted into the machine, as well as any hard disk drives if the machine was an expensive newer model with a hard card.

It's a shame that your parent comment isn't getting any up-votes, as your comment is informative enough to deserve a higher place on the page.

As defined in this case, an "old-skool" virus would be one written in assembly whose primary vector of infection is by embedding itself in executable files.

That would be an element of the set, not the definition.

Old school virus.

1) They infect boot sectors of floppy and hard disk, or 2) They infect partition tables of hard disk or, 3) They infect .COM (most commonly Command.com) and .EXE

Old school virus infects the executable files such that when the executable files are run, the virus stays resident in memory and infects all other executable files and floppy disks, hence the reason Command.com is the most popular target.

The file size of the executable might increase when the virus infects it. To minimise this and avoid detection based on file size, the virus need to small enough to hide in the slack space, hence the reason most of them are written in assembly.

To overcome boot sector virus on a floppt is easy. I made a clean copy of newly formatted MS-DOS disk and then kept a copy of Boot Sector 0 in a file which I then use to override the Boot Sector 0 in the infected floppy using Norton Diskedit. Same applies to partition tables.

Executables that are infected are a pain to clean, but knowing that Command.com is most often targetted, I alway keep a clean copy of Command.com renamed as abc.def (to avoid detection by the virus) on my system. Create an entry in autoexec.bat to do a file compare between command.com and abc.def and alert me of changes.

These are the problems I had cleaning old school virus.

New school virus are easy to handle, they don't infect executables. They create entries in Windows startup to run themselves. Find the right entries and remove them and the virus won't be problem when you next boot up.

The biggest threat I see is when some of the old school virus writers return and start infecting/corrupting executable files such as Command.com via drive-by download.

Actually I working on a side project to combat new school virus. If anyone is interested, just drop me a mail via my account.

the network is the virus

New school is the web browser, JavaScript and interpreted languages (ruby, python, etc). Old school is assembly, C and C++. Like Web 2.0 versus Web 1.0.

Old school isn't snazzy and exciting and has a higher entry point. You won't find many old school fart apps.

  "- Microsoft
  hh86:  love it"

Why do all these virii start with 'W32.' ? ;-)

To honor the environment that lets them thrive.

WinAPI is no more hospitable to viruses than Linux is. What it is is popular enough to be worth targeting.

That's a fallacy that I'm frankly tired of hearing. Unix was designed from the start to run multi-user environments, whereas Windows grew out of DOS, which was initially built for single-user, non-networked environments. The difference in their initial goals led to wildly different security models.

The average Unix user runs without superuser privileges most of the time. Typically, the less experienced a user is, the less privileges he has in a Unix environment [1].

At least as recently as Windows XP [2], the average Windows user ran his computer with an administrator account on a daily basis, which opens the user to much greater damages from malware. When I used Windows on my own computers, I always setup a non-administrator account for daily use, but I'm experienced enough to know (1) how to do that and (2) that it's a good idea. This suggests that Windows has an inversion of privileges compared to Unix. That is, the most experienced users grant their daily account the fewest privileges, whereas the least experienced users operate with administrator privileges.

[1] http://librenix.com/?inode=21

[2] Windows XP is the latest version of Windows that I've had enough experience with to say what the average user's setup is like. I hear that the situation has improved a bit with Windows 7, but when I was an intern at Microsoft, every one seemed to run as an administrator on their Windows 7 machines, so I'm not convinced that it's any better.

The idea that viruses need "superuser" to perpetuate themselves is itself a fallacy. Why do I want superuser if I can grab all your browser cookies, dump or exploit your address book, persist in ways no normal user can detect, and gain full access to the network you're connected to?

I'm not a Windows user. Since age 13, I have spent a total of one (1) year in Windows, in 2000, when I ran a Solaris to WinAPI ACE_wrappers port for my startup. I cut my teeth on 386bsd, installed from approximately 900,000 3.5 inch floppy disks.

What I am is a security person, and these arguments about Windows being a petri dish for viruses strike this security person as BS. Computers are a petri dish for viruses, and the smug Unix weenie attitude of "we solved that with su" drives me nuts even before we get to analyzing how long any Unix operating system has ever gone without a well-known privilege escalation flaw.

How will you infect an executable without superuser privileges? My executables in /bin and /usr/bin are r-xr-xr-x. If you're not infecting files on the filesystem, then what you have is not a virus [1]. Without a virus, you're left to exploit bugs in userspace software. If you have a way to exploit Chrome to read my cookies, how is that a virus and what does that have to do with the OS? I would expect that exploit to work on any platform that runs Chrome.

In regards to your first post about popularity, do you think that all of those Unix web servers out there are not a juicy target? How valuable do you think it would be to a virus writer to be able to infect Google's datacenter?

The rest of your comment is name-calling and self-congratulatory back-patting, which does nothing to present a cogent argument.

[1] Executables aren't the only files that can be infected. You could infect a user's PDF, JPEG, or other files that are then interpreted by a vulnerable executable.

(a) You don't need to infect executables. .profile works nicely.

(b) How valuable do you think it would be to a virus writer to infect Mastercard's data center? It isn't riddled with viruses.

(c) If you have a population that accounts for 80% of the market which is only 20% saturated and another that accounts for 5% of the market, why would you ever, ever, ever write for the 5% market? We haven't hit "peak oil" for malware yet.

(d) Your footnote makes my point. Thanks.

(ps) the congratulatory back-patting is to head off the inevitable Linux advocacy "you're a shill for Microsoft" BS that comes bundled with these discussions.

To be fair, I don't think the points we're arguing are mutually exclusive. You seem to be arguing that Unix can be infected with viruses. I'm not refuting that claim. I have no illusions of 100% security. I'm claiming that Unix is more secure by design. What I'm refuting is this claim:

> WinAPI is no more hospitable to viruses than Linux is.

I think that implies that all operating systems are created equal (at least as far as security is concerned for this discussion), or that Linux is more hospitable to viruses than Windows. I think the idea that all operating systems are created equal is laughably false. The second idea---that Linux is more hospitable to viruses than Windows---is a much more complex issue. Proving that there is at least one way to infect Linux with a virus does not prove that point. All that proves is that Linux's security is less than 100%, which I agree with (hence the footnote in my previous comment).

In other words, your argument:

    S(Linux) < 100%
and my argument:

    S(Linux) > S(Win32)
can coexist:

    S(Win32) < S(Linux) < 100%
Your economic argument about OS market share is more relevant to your other claim:

> What it is is popular enough to be worth targeting.

Your economic argument proves that claim. I agree. However, being less popular doesn't preclude Linux from being less hospitable to viruses.

> (ps) the congratulatory back-patting is to head off the inevitable Linux advocacy "you're a shill for Microsoft" BS that comes bundled with these discussions.

Fair enough. Those "you're a shill for Microsoft" type comments do have a tendency to show up in discussions like this. I like a high signal-to-noise ratio in conversations, which is why I called you out on that, but now I see you were trying to keep the content-less comments out as well.

You just restated the previous threads and added some notation, but provided no new evidence to support the argument that Linux is more secure than WinAPI by design. What do you want me to do with that, restate all my arguments again? That seems like a waste of time.

We're talking about the security of single-user machines --- of which most servers are a special case thereof. The perceived significant difference between the two platforms simply isn't there.

I was pointing out that we don't disagree. But I guess I misunderstood what you're trying to argue. Let's just agree to disagree and be done with it.

>(a) You don't need to infect executables. .profile works nicely.

Yep, low privileges only isolate viruses. A virus running as superuser can infect the entire system. A virus running as a low-privilege user can only infect what the user has access to. And all this applies equally to Windows as to Linux.

>(b) How valuable do you think it would be to a virus writer to infect Mastercard's data center? It isn't riddled with viruses.

Have you heard of Stuxnet and how it infected nuclear reactors?

What is the point of escalating privileges past "user" on a single-user machine? You're thinking like a Unix geek.

Superuser used to matter for viruses that needed to escape detection (i.e. install themselves in the MBR, boot sector, kernel, and/or "embedding area" as grub calls it). Modern viruses are more likely to be targeting the data of users not experienced enough to know what a boot sector is, or why that fluffy_bunnies.doc is dangerous. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe a modern "virus" would've been traditionally referred to as a worm, as was the Sasser worm, since they're usually not infecting existing executable code.

No idea why this comment has so many upvotes. This is an awful comment because literally every single point in it is factually incorrect.

> Unix was designed from the start to run multi-user environments, whereas Windows grew out of DOS, which was initially built for single-user, non-networked environments. The difference in their initial goals led to wildly different security models.

No. [1, Section 2.2]

> The average Unix user runs without superuser privileges most of the time. Typically, the less experienced a user is, the less privileges he has in a Unix environment.

No. The most popular Linux distribution lets you run any command as any user by default. [2, Default Sudoers File]

> Windows has an inversion of privileges compared to Unix. That is, the most experienced users grant their daily account the fewest privileges, whereas the least experienced users operate with administrator privileges.

No. This isn't the case with the Windows that is shipping today.


One final thing to consider. Who cares about separation of privileges if your OS is full of privilege escalation exploits? Hint: one of these operating systems spent billions of dollars hardening their OS and the other is full of holes.

[1] http://www.cs.purdue.edu/research/technical_reports/1991/TR%...

[2] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sudoers

>No. [1, Section 2.2]

NT was designed from ground up to be multi-user too.

I too was a Microsoft intern and you're completely wrong. They ran as user level accounts with administrator escalation privileges. This is equivalent to running as a normal user account with sudo access in Linux.

I do in theory agree that a user (wrt Windows) shouldn't be running their machine with admin privileges-it's certainly how I do my day-to-day work in Unix environments. I tried running Windows with a watered-down user account, but I found that all it did was cripple my capabilities while hardly affecting those of the malware that would infect my machine.

About Windows and administrator privileges: it wasn't even the user' fault! I tried to run Windows XP as an ordinary user and it was really annoying: things would fail without error messages (let alone asking for admin privileges) all the time. Windows 7 is fine though: it feels like Ubuntu to me: I can run it as an ordinary user and it prompts for an admin password when necessary (and the occasions when it is needed make more sense: in the XP era I often wasn't convinced programs really needed the privileges they asked for).

Yep, I know. The frustrating thing about it is that NT with it's security existed even before Win95.

It's not just popularity. "Admin by default" and "Easy-to-use over everything" is what doomed Windows. In *nix you always had to exploit bugs, in Windows you hadn't to. Nowadays Microsoft has built layer of abstraction over layer of abstraction to fix these previous decisions, but I think that such complexity has just made exploitable bugs more likely. Moreover, according to Secunia, in mainstream Linux distros every security bug gets fixed eventually. No such hope comforts Windows user.

See above. Why, besides vanity, does superuser matter to a virus?

The idea that Windows is harder to update than Linux will come as a surprise to enterprises who have been getting autoupdated fixes for almost a decade now.

Given that my hobby used to be exploiting various overflow exploits in Linux machines I agree with you, but do you think there are some things that Windows lagged on that hurt it? For example, there are a couple things like ASLR, NX/W^X bit, and stack canaries that I think they should have rolled out sooner. Do you think that made a difference or were SQL injection et al so easy by then that there was no point in bothering with overflow attacks if your goal was to make money and get information?

Edit: Ah, and I forgot: Windows ACE's are pretty much as good as NFSv4 ACLs but Linux still doesn't support anything other than basic POSIX.1e ACLs out of the box.

My perception is that at WinXPSP2, where Microsoft finally got serious about runtime protection, the state of the art in mainstream Unix deployments was not that much better. How resilient was Solaris to overflows in 2003?

I think you're right; most UNIX installations weren't that much better (Linux especially). I think Solaris may have been one of the best simply because they were running on SPARC procs and the SPARCs have had optional NX support since '98 or so. That still relied on the admin enabling it though (so basically no one had it enabled).

AFRIK, NX support was added to 32-bit Linux and Windows XP SP2 around the same time. Unfortunately, it required PAE. XP's bootloader could autodetect and automatically load the PAE kernel, Linux's bootloaders couldn't and so most people still ran with the non-PAE kernel and were thus not taking advantage of NX. This was made worse by the fact that Intel's early Pentium M processors did not have PAE. Finally years later some Linux distributions added auto-detection to their installer.

Actually, the first NX-related supported was available for Linux as PAGEEXEC on the PaX patch in 2000. You're right that that was nonstandard, though.

While I agree on all OSes being exploitable and therefore on despicable "smug Unix weenie attitude", I still think that while *nix were just exploitable, Windows "welcomed" viruses (think about ActiveX, autorun, administrative privileges by default and such).

There is a misunderstanding about updates. I was not saying that Windows is less updated, I was saying its security holes remain exploitable for a longer time, if they get fixed at all. Compare Windows XP (read section "Most Critical Unpatched"):


with Ubuntu Linux (again, read section "Most Critical Unpatched"):


The other thing the Windows ecosystem has that makes it more hospital for executable file viruses is a culture of user-to-user sharing of binary executables. In the UNIX world, sharing source is the usual vector for copying programs user-to-user.

This was particularly true back when executable file viruses were at their most prolific - back in those days, if you copied a game from your friend at high school, that binary was quite likely to be several tens of generations removed from the original source. Each generation was an opportunity for a virus to climb aboard. With internet distribution of illicit wares, you're much closer to the original source.

OT, but please: viruses. In Latin, 'virus' is like 'sand': it has no plural (and if it would've had a plural, it would've been 'viri').


> and if it would've had a plural, it would've been 'viri'

That's not immediately clear. Depending on whether you think it's second or fourth declension, and masculine or neuter, the various possibilities are virua, vira, virūs, and viri. My best guess is that the "correct" usage was one of the more exotic varients (virua or vira), but the word was so rare that many people didn't learn the nuances, and instead adopted it to the more common patterns. Similar to how "begs the question" is often used incorrectly, and that ends up becoming an accepted usage.

However, the plural could not have been "virii."


More than either of you two probably want to know about the subject.

Do viruses of this type (exe infecting) still have much impact "in the wild"? Most news these days seems to be about worms and trojan horses. I presume this is because it's harder to transport a "useful" payload inside of a true virus, so they are more often than not written to satisfy the curiosity of the author.

In old days, software were copied (yeah, on floppies) from friend to friend. A true "sneakernet" P2P^W F2F-network.

Nowadays, software is either obtained directly from authors (or packagers), or from more centralized P2P sources, and, in my personal perception, most of time flash drives are used is to transfer documents, not executables.


Yeah, and autorun.inf, and a lot of other tricks. That's not generally considered "old-skool", though.

why would you want to write viruses?

It's a way to play Core Wars across the whole Internet with other people's computers.

Probably the most important question, and it appeared nowhere in this interview. I was disappointed.

It's fun. It's a whole lot of fun, in fact. Mind you, I've never released any (I did release a metamorphic code engine for .NET some years ago, but that's the closest I've come), but it's really fun to think through it and come up with clever ideas. It also helps you gain perspective for the security side of things.

Its a way of having your work everywhere, imagine being able to know that millions of people have your work on there computer, and seeing it read and blogged about, i guess its exciting.

because .. fuck it?

I am torn by these young tinkerers; on one hand they're exploring the technology around them unlike most their peers, but on the other hand they very often seem to be totally full of themselves.

I think that the title of that post does not do justice to the interview. Old-skool vs New School is a tiny part of an interview representative of the psychology of a virus writer. Virus writing seems like the most brilliant way to kill your creativity. Or in other words making your creativity a slave of the most boring of all arts: destruction.

Well, you can destroy something blandly, or you can destroy it in an intricate, even intelligent fashion. Just as you can create something blandly — to just barely serve its purpose.

See, destruction is also creation. She creates viruses. These things then go on to destroy other stuff.

Destruction is not at all a boring art. It's as legitimate an art as creation.

Somewhere around 10th grade I finally gave in to my urge to put a lot of energy behind a simple question: why do parasites exist? Why are there lice, ticks, bacteria and viruses?

Turns out they do, just because they do. They're legitimate 'creations,' living beings. And in non-parasitic beings, they inspire toughness and survival strategies — if it can't adapt to the parasite (in one way or another) it'll die out.

Really, I don't get why people are biased against 'evil' black hats. If they target you and your app failed, you better get some security going. It's better some 'artist' who just feels the need to destroy intricate systems in an ingenuous fashion makes me aware of my security holes than someone with a malicious intent.

From the interview, I can't see anything sociopathic or even malevolent in her (granted, I haven't read the whole thing.)

Thanks for sharing another point of view. The destructive force of kids, and their love to create traps and make pranks is something that I really like. The life of non-human parasites or microbes is at least amazing, I am with you in that. My point was that destruction is the most obvious form of expression, for these reason we see it every time in kids. Personally I find it boring(since it is obvious and in a sense natural)- I can not change that. Of course somebody could tell me how come I do not complain about people that make sophisticated weapons for example. This is a whole different discussion.

I'm with you when you say that I find it more engaging now to create useful stuff, or generally beneficial stuff.

But when I was a teenager, it was quite different. I admired black hats, and people who wrote viruses, because they were playing a game: there were people whose sole existence was based on working against these 'bad guys.' They got paid to fix security holes, to design programs in an 'un-hackable' manner. And yet, the intruders often prevailed. It's a game of outsmarting. There's someone, incredibly smart, trying to prevent you from achieving goal x. He's getting paid, probably has a whole team of experts around him. And yet, you find your way into the system; break it. That sounded almost heroic to me.

Of course, the whole metaphor works even better when you're discontent, or even at odds with society at large. Read: when you're pretty much every teenager on this planet :-D

I've always thought for some people, destruction is a form of self-expression. Sometimes it is the only way they know how to create.

Reminds me of another female virus writer "Gigabyte" who she references in the interview : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gigabyte_(virus_writer)

- Dark Avanger

Have not heard that name in a while! Admired his code

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