Following the above, I was relatively spam free for about 3 and half years. At the high point of my last company, I was sending about a million messages a day. There would be spam flare ups of course, but I would get them resolved through persistent contacting of support staff. Now that I have essentially no users in comparison :), I'm not sending hardly anything, but I'm still monitoring and am not having any spam problems.
In my new services, I did have issues originally, especially on Gmail. So there was an initial ramp up with spam issues on the majors. But like I said, after following all their rules and then persistently hounding their support staff to investigate, I've gotten past their filters.
In my new services, I did have issues originally, especially on Gmail. So there was an initial ramp up with spam issues on the majors. But like I said, after following all their rules and then persistently hounding their support staff to investigate, I've gotten past their filters.