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I went through something like that some months ago. Then I discovered OhLife ( http://ohlife.com/ ).

That's was the best I did, every night I write my feelings and forget then. It makes me feel better and less heavy.

The only real issue I've had with OhLife is that frequently I'm out grabbing dinner at 8pm (which I believe is the default), so to keep from forgetting I'll toss in a 1-2 sentence description of what happened and while it's better than nothing, it really isn't writing. Since it's entirely email based, I completely forgot that they have an option to change it - I just switched it to 11pm to see if that gives me better results.

Any suggestions on other good places to keep online/private journals?

Wow - this thing looks great. I wonder how they make profit, though, there's no ads and no paid versions?

The potential for pharma spam is HUGE.

1. Detect keywords like Depression, Sad, Lonely

2. Serve anti-depressant ads

3. No ??? Just profit.

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