It is truly astonishing how much people believe that they need frameworks.
Your site looks nice, but one comment I'll make about your coding style is that you (or anyone getting inspired from your code) should probably switch away from innerHTML as the default choice for DOM modification. In a lot of otherwise useful contexts it is an HTML injection hole. (For the record it doesn't seem to be a security issue for the kind of content you have made, but better kill the habit before it becomes a problem.)
For a while I used document.createElement and friends to generate injection-free DOM, but that style takes a lot more typing than innerHTML usually does. Eventually I made a tiny library for easing the job, and I haven't looked back since. I don't think anyone else uses it, but so far it is definitely worth it for the one happy user.
Your site looks nice, but one comment I'll make about your coding style is that you (or anyone getting inspired from your code) should probably switch away from innerHTML as the default choice for DOM modification. In a lot of otherwise useful contexts it is an HTML injection hole. (For the record it doesn't seem to be a security issue for the kind of content you have made, but better kill the habit before it becomes a problem.)
For a while I used document.createElement and friends to generate injection-free DOM, but that style takes a lot more typing than innerHTML usually does. Eventually I made a tiny library for easing the job, and I haven't looked back since. I don't think anyone else uses it, but so far it is definitely worth it for the one happy user.