Hi Everyone,
I'm going traveling in se asia for 3 months fairly soon. I'm planning on doing a lot of lazing about and reading. I'd quite like to work on some math problems while I'm there. I've been enjoying working through Concrete Mathematics but it's too heavy to take with (I'm traveling light). Does anyone have an suggestions of a source of good interesting problems and exercises? Either somewhere I can download them or in a book that's small enough to carry with me would be good.
Also, there are a bunch of contest problems on John Scholes's website: http://www.kalva.demon.co.uk/ . It seems to be down at the moment, but I'm sure it'll be back soon. Of the contests I'm familiar with:
AIME is for fairly advanced high school students (say, on average, one person per high school might take it, and most won't get any of them right)
USAMO is a step up from AIME -- the top ~150 high school students in the US take it each year
IMO is a step up from USAMO -- basically, don't even bother
Putnam is an exam for US university students -- it's generally considered difficult, since the median score is usually 0, even among those willing to take it in the first place, but A1 and B1 are usually pretty easy on every test; I would say it's between AIME and USAMO