> Most JavaScript-related threads I see on HN feature at least a handful of comments from people who will avow that e.g. the npm ecosystem is hot garbage.
It's not the "NPM ecosystem" that's hot garbage, it's the Javascript ecosystem. There's a culture of creating micro-packages that have dozens of of often trivial transitive dependencies. With a lot of popular projects, one "npm install" dumps maybe hundreds of packages and thousands of files into a "node_modules" folder that you can't reasonably move out of your source directory. There's also a culture of breaking interfaces and configuration a lot. Many developers growing up in this ecosystem think this is the "normal" way to do things, thus compounding the problem for "future generations".
None of this has anything to do with NPM or the company that runs it. Some of it has to do with NodeJS, which isn't the same as NPM . Another package manager wouldn't solve any of these problems. In practice, NPM works fine 99.9% of the time. That's "good enough".
It's not the "NPM ecosystem" that's hot garbage, it's the Javascript ecosystem. There's a culture of creating micro-packages that have dozens of of often trivial transitive dependencies. With a lot of popular projects, one "npm install" dumps maybe hundreds of packages and thousands of files into a "node_modules" folder that you can't reasonably move out of your source directory. There's also a culture of breaking interfaces and configuration a lot. Many developers growing up in this ecosystem think this is the "normal" way to do things, thus compounding the problem for "future generations".
None of this has anything to do with NPM or the company that runs it. Some of it has to do with NodeJS, which isn't the same as NPM . Another package manager wouldn't solve any of these problems. In practice, NPM works fine 99.9% of the time. That's "good enough".