I think it's a bit unfair you're being downvoted because you raise some good points. A lot of people agree POSIX is a mess and you've highlighted a fraction of reasons related to that. Would any of the downvoters care to elucidate? Maybe I'm missing something obvious.
Not a downvoter, but I assume the reason is that many people do understand these mechanisms without evicting too much from their brain cache.
Files like .bash_profile, .bash_login, .profile, .zprofile, /etc/profile, /etc/profile.d/whatever.sh all serve the same purpose, the primary aspect of which is to apply things like environment variables at login. Display managers and [login] shells source these things in a predictable precedence order so that environment variables are correctly inherited by children of GUI environment processes and login shells.
Login shells? Well yeah, the point of a login shell is that it invokes login-related tasks like setting environment variables from a profile. That's intentionally separate from the behavior of interactive shells because the environments of interactive shells may have been modified intentionally and shouldn't be "reset" to the values applied at login.
edit: also .inputrc is the readline configuration file for things like shortcut keys in all programs which use readline (not just bash) and .bashrc is for customizations specific to interactive shells
You see I’ve read this kind of information in exactly the words you use more than once and I still can’t summarize in one sentence where should one put his variables for things to “just work.” Locally for one user. Provided I just don’t know and don’t even care what the differences between the login and interactive shells are and that I just run the whatever terminal it is default from the GUI menu (whichever GUI it is).
And your explanation what the differences are is for me still circular, exactly like in the man pages: login shell is the one which invokes login-related tasks, and I should care about the difference from the interactive shells. I still have no idea what that even means, it is what exactly happens when?
Anybody knows some sane explanation of these? I admit I never tried to find it, as I tried to read the man pages, didn't find anything reasonable, but knew that it doesn't matter to me. I just want the darn variables to exists whenever I need them. I don't care about the differences. One single place is enough.
But now that you say that you "do understand these mechanisms without evicting too much from" your "brain cache" I'd really like to learn everything about the differences. Specifically, when is one invoked and when another for the user "acqq", let's say, on a default Ubuntu system, and on a default Red Hat system?
Are really more different user shells invoked in different forms for a single user, on a single machine, between the booting of the machine, logging in (in GUI) and then starting a few times the terminal with shell inside? When is invoked and which is invoked when? And why shouldn't be a single place for the variables I want to define? No idea, but I would be grateful to read about it now. Thanks in advance.