The driver has only been not around to testify three times in the history of Tesla, and only once since 2016 (despite increasing capabilities and far more cars on the road). The instance here is the one time. [1]
Regressions undoubtedly happen, but clearly in the vast, vast majority of cases, no deaths are involved. It's not "the problem," it's "the exception."
Is this what happened in this case, or is this speculation? Just curious, because it's a valid point, but I hadn't heard that it got better but then reverted. Source?
- Autopilot doesn’t work in that area. Driver reports it to Tesla.
- Tesla fixes the issue in a software update.
- Driver sees the improvement, and happily relies on autopilot.
- After a while, a new software update introduces a regression.
- Driver doesn’t find out about the regression until it’s too late (and is not around to testify about it anymore).