Thinking of Yahoo, why in the world doesn't Yahoo push Flickr as a social network? They certainly have all the tools in place (photo, video, users, groups, ads) that have always been superior to FaceBook.
Personally, I think Flickr could put FB to shame. Maybe the die hard photo fans wouldn't like it, but if you want to push advertising revenue I think they have a gold mine.
Flickr has a pretty large and pretty serious audience of users who at least regard themselves as proper photographers. A good portion of the (me included) pay for the pro accounts.
Flickr could, I'm sure, be tweaked a bit to let you more easily keep track of your friends other than through their photos - journals, one-line 'status updates', link sharing and the like. But how would this not alienate their already large and paying constituency of photographers, or their developing relationship with Getty as a supplier?
Honestly, I can't see how this would be a probable net win for Yahoo.