There is one terrible issue I encounter almost every time I ride to work. In the mornings the traffic is stopped all the way to work. The stopped cars leave gaps next to the side roads so cars coning from the other direction can turn across to reach them. Because there is a wall of cars in between the bike lane and the other side of the road, neither the turning car or I can each each other so the car blindly turns across the road assuming no bikes are coming.
Seems a reasonable assumption to me. If someone is waiting to let someone else pull into a sideroad shouldn’t you wait as well? It’s dangerous to overtake on the passenger side regardless of what vehicle you’re using. You should overtake on the driver’s side so people can see you easily.
I can't see if anyone is turning because cars leave a gap when no one is turning so if someone does show up they are able to turn. Also I don't think overtaking on the drivers side is allowed on a bike.