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Dancer 1.2000, finally out (backup-manager.org)
36 points by asukrieh on Nov 23, 2010 | hide | past | favorite | 30 comments

For anyone wondering what Dancer is: http://www.perldancer.org/

Thanks for the link, and here is a very good introduction to what Dancer is:


(slideshow built with S5 + Dancer)

Oh, and I forgot mine ;)


No wonder Perl is dead if all they have is such a piss poor Sinatra ripoff.

Ignorance is bliss.

Dancer is very easy to get started with, and very simple to deploy. If you have a small project with using perl in mind, it might be worth checking out. The documentation is okay, but getting better surely. If you have any quick questions about Dancer, I'd recommend checking out the project's IRC channel.

Congratulations on the stable release. When are you updating the website with that that fancy new template I recall seeing a few months back?

Soon, very soon :) We'll provide a new kickass design as well, stay tuned ;)

Don't let this poor project spoil Perl for you, instead take a look at Catalyst, the number one Perl Web Framework with a gigantic community and multiple books behind it. http://www.catalystframework.org

I have used Catalyst a bit, bought the book and appreciated it. I have never used Dancer, but it look good; I'll probably learn it.

Otoh, what I really don't like is a just created troll account, like yours.

They had it coming, stealing code and ideas never ends well.

I take it "they had it coming" is an implicit agreement that you are indeed trolling?

As whiskeyjack already said, if you believe there was code stolen, go ahead and prove it. The source repositories of both projects are publicly available, feel free to show examples of code that was "stolen".

If not, please do move along and stop tarring the image of the Mojolicious project and the Perl community at large with your senseless childish behaviour. The Perl community is better than this. We don't need in-fighting.

Again. Put up or shut up. Show the stealing or retract the comment.

How do you "steal" an idea, especially from a free software project?

chromatic? Received your new book from Amazon yesterday. :-)

A really nice overview, I'll recommend it and not only for newbies.

(-: I'm ashamed to admit it as a non-native English speaker, but the few pages on Unicode is probably what will be most useful. :-)

Looks like a cheap ripoff of Mojolicious.

http://mojolicious.org https://github.com/kraih/mojo

I think both frameworks share similar vision and there is no need to attack each other.

Looks more like Dancer took the vision from Mojolicious and butchered it.

No, the vision comes from Sinatra, not Mojo. The original blog post (French): http://www.sukria.net/fr/archives/2009/07/17/teaser/

There are similarities though between both frameworks, but they are definitely different.

Calling Dancer a rip-off is a bit easy, regarding all the community work that has been done recently.

By all measurements the community of Mojolicious seems a lot bigger. Just because you rip another project off with 3 people doesn't make it any better... just shows your lack of actual vision and focus.

Seriously guy? This hostility towards Dancer is silly.

I'm just a fellow Perl hacker who thinks stealing code without proper attribution is disgusting.

A fellow Perl hacker would recall that there's more than one way to do it. And the Mojolicious internals don't look like the Dancer internals.

Thats why i used the word "butchered" before.

This kind of behaviour is an embarassment to the community. It's poison.

Move along. If you claim there's stealing of code, prove it and show it. Otherwise, save this crap. You like Mojolicious. Fine. Go do that. The Dancer crew will continue on it's way. It affects you not at all.

I had investigated Mojolicious but this kind of attitude from you and from it's creator have long kept me out of that community. Yes, the channel can have people who are helpful, but bile begets bile and if you're an example of the Mojolicious community, I want no part of it.

Actually i hate all those micro frameworks, Catalyst beats all of them even for small projects. http://www.catalystframework.org

Drex, you just shot yourself in the foot. The creator of Mojolicious was also the creator of Catalyst.

Also in case you hadn't heard this term in the Perl world, this is a great example of TIMTOWTDI. (There Is More Than One Way To Do It)


Now kindly move along and as others have said take the poison with you.

That i did not know, very interesting, maybe worth learning more about Mojolicious after all. :)

Hmm, so you made all those comments in favor of mojolicious without actually knowing about it? Now I know for sure how credible you are.

Hey sri, how are you? ;)

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