I feel this could go well beyond a blog post. There could be a regularly updated list somewhere on the Internet. My favourite is 'flexible on lifestyle", meaning your lifestyle better be flexible, not theirs :) Or allowing work from home, but better be 'dedicated', aka. being responsive 24/7 and never leaving 'work'.
I agree, there's more to ta job than the technologies used. I'm biased, though, and been around awhile working in most tech stacks.
Just some of the things I prioritize:
1) Engaged, smart teammates
2) Solving an interesting business problem. What's the reasoning behind the softer, I'd much rather work with some legacy technology if it means working with a company with a great mission, vs doing the latest trends for yet another ad-tech company.
3) convenient commute
4) Lifestyle (occasional work at home)
5) Corporate Culture Fit
6) Amount of unplanned work and changing directions all the time
7) Amount of Cognitive load of multiple projects at once
8) Location in town (not necessarily for commuting, but just having a nice place to walk to for coffee, out of office thinking time, etc.)
9) Co-workers passionate about their craft
Re 9: I don't care (directly) about whether my co-workers are passionate about their craft. I care because those who are passionate about their craft tend to produce a lot fewer messes and bugs - which I then have to deal with.
So it's a good sign of other things, but it's not actually the thing I care about.