>So are there some specific symptoms one should look out for?
Not something overly specific. And it also depends on cancer type. Lung cancer is mostly without any symptoms until it's very advanced and you start coughing blood.
>If you were to design a policy for someone that wanted to maximize their survival probability with regards to potential cancers while still leading a normal life, and money was no object, what would that policy look like?
I would say the best bang for your buck would be an annual MRI test. It won't show absolutely everything but it would show most stuff.
Not something overly specific. And it also depends on cancer type. Lung cancer is mostly without any symptoms until it's very advanced and you start coughing blood.
>If you were to design a policy for someone that wanted to maximize their survival probability with regards to potential cancers while still leading a normal life, and money was no object, what would that policy look like?
I would say the best bang for your buck would be an annual MRI test. It won't show absolutely everything but it would show most stuff.