The strawberries in the agrobot intro video [0] are so orange I'd never eat them, much less buy them. Just from watching the video, I get a sour, dry taste in my mouth. Who'd possibly produce a video like this, when their business is strawberries?
But then again, maybe that's the operating requirements of the system, because they're dropped, not placed in the transport bins. You couldn't drop ripe ones without damaging them.
They are a B2B company. Their clients pick the strawberries like this, so when they get to the supermarket shelves in the other side of Europe they're red.
If you make a robot that can only pick ripe fruit... well, you're up for a nasty surprise.
But then again, maybe that's the operating requirements of the system, because they're dropped, not placed in the transport bins. You couldn't drop ripe ones without damaging them.