> Strawberry preserves were a treat I didn't realize until I was an adult.
Huh? This doesn't seem to fit with the rest of your story. Despite plentiful strawberries and a canning operation in your house, you didn't have any strawberry preserves until adulthood? Did I misunderstand? Please explain.
I believe he's saying that he had fresh strawberry preserves readily available as a child; however as an adult that was not the case. He didn't come to realize how fortunate he was to have the strawberry preserves until adulthood.
There's a saying "you don't realize what you have until it's gone." People tend to take for granted the most precious things (and people) in their lives. When they lose them, they truly feel the pain of what they're now missing.
Huh? This doesn't seem to fit with the rest of your story. Despite plentiful strawberries and a canning operation in your house, you didn't have any strawberry preserves until adulthood? Did I misunderstand? Please explain.