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> Why are we not switching to decentralized content sharing platforms?

Because that site looks like a phishing site for reddit accounts. How is 100% cloning another site's design acceptable at all?

> How is 100% cloning another site's design acceptable at all?

1. The design is open source under a CPAL license which notabug abides by


2. a goal of notabug is to support existing reddit stylesheets with minimal/no modifications; this requires dom compatibility and minimal CSS changes in the base design.

3. reddit is abandoning this formerly open source design in favor of their new design by default.

Geez! It's a design that all are familiar with, UX 101 and facebook does it all the time! No one 'cloned a site' the whole backend infrastructure is different. Did you read it at all?

Facebook doesn't copy and paste the css of competitors. That site did. I didn't read any of the interview, I just went to the site like most users would.

Also HN looks like a clone of reddit!

No, it is 100% a clone. HN is similar to reddit, that site is literally identical.

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