Hmm,I hadn’t thought of a week/day in Trello. It’s an interesting idea, but having a les productive week seems like it really screws things up by forcing moving back to Maybe and Backlog while you plan out your week. But i see a possible benifit in that.
I wouldn’t do that to my collaborative work board, but for a personal board that seems interesting.
My Trello board has the following columns:
- MAYBE - for things that I'll maybe do
- BACKLOG - for things that I decided I'll do at some point
- WEEK - for things that I'll do this week (limit: 8 items)
- TODAY - for things I'll do today (limit: 5 items)
- DONE - move things here once done
Once a week I do a review session where I clean the "DONE" column and reshuffle things in the other columns as needed