You guys should def take a look at the recently added Build Script..
it's Ant-based and does all the common tasks you're supposed to be doing: concat&minify css&js, optimizes jpgs & pngs, basic to agressive html minification, filename revving (to pair with heavy expires caching), and removal of development only code (console.log, profiling, test suite).
It's still a work in progress but combine this with the provided apache/nginx/lighttpd config and you'll be hitting 95 point marks in YSlow. Should save a lot of time with these common tasks/best practices.
Do you know of any production teams that use The Boilerplate as the basis for their markup? I'm about to have a design sliced to markup and I'd like to have it start with this ...
The body contains a container div enclosing an empty header and empty footer. That's more bare-bones than some people will want.
There is value in a template that correctly uses nav, section, article and aside. You stand a better chance of making reusable CSS starting from such a template.
The HTML5 boilerplate doesn't get in my way - it includes some commonly needed stuff like jQuery, a CSS reset, etc. I can use it as the base for anything, not just a blog with a tree menu and a particular layout. (I'd also disagree with your use of the aside tag for archive navigation)
I'm not saying the HTML boilerplate is useless. I'm saying that something less bare-bones is useful.
Something less bare-bones can also be used as a base for anything. Deleting unused elements is easy.
The aside was intended to hold a variety of content. You're right that the sample content is navigation. I will look at making it a nav within the aside.
it's Ant-based and does all the common tasks you're supposed to be doing: concat&minify css&js, optimizes jpgs & pngs, basic to agressive html minification, filename revving (to pair with heavy expires caching), and removal of development only code (console.log, profiling, test suite).
It's still a work in progress but combine this with the provided apache/nginx/lighttpd config and you'll be hitting 95 point marks in YSlow. Should save a lot of time with these common tasks/best practices.