So you regularly do not use your airplane seat belt, haven't experienced any real pressure to comply, so the other rules are a bother too?
Seriously? :D (Plz laugh in good spirits. I am. That is good entertainment)
Take off and landing portions of the flight plan are not large amounts of time. Surely you can manage to entertain yourself with one or more of the many options during those times?
The car related info, regarding the potential for trauma is valid. Have you been on a flight where something major has happened? (You may be asked to stow things, for one)
I do not believe you have, by the nature of your questions.
Also, given the nature of your questions, your perception of risk is well below actuals. That does make your position on all this perfectly understandable. I get it. No worries. I think you need answers and should take in the information the FAA and others gladly provide.
Like cars, seat belts are law because of the metrics and analysis done over years of travel. I do think some of those laws could be improved. Many will over time.
Unfortunately for you, other far more qualified people than us have assessed those risks and have come to diffetent conclusions.
Let me just say a model passenger would comply and be ready to assist others, should the need arise.
Fly safe!
Edit: doing that, by the way, is it clear priority over entertainment and other minor things we are talking about here. Let's keep that in mind.
Seriously? :D (Plz laugh in good spirits. I am. That is good entertainment)
Take off and landing portions of the flight plan are not large amounts of time. Surely you can manage to entertain yourself with one or more of the many options during those times?
The car related info, regarding the potential for trauma is valid. Have you been on a flight where something major has happened? (You may be asked to stow things, for one)
I do not believe you have, by the nature of your questions.
Also, given the nature of your questions, your perception of risk is well below actuals. That does make your position on all this perfectly understandable. I get it. No worries. I think you need answers and should take in the information the FAA and others gladly provide.
Like cars, seat belts are law because of the metrics and analysis done over years of travel. I do think some of those laws could be improved. Many will over time.
Unfortunately for you, other far more qualified people than us have assessed those risks and have come to diffetent conclusions.
Let me just say a model passenger would comply and be ready to assist others, should the need arise.
Fly safe!
Edit: doing that, by the way, is it clear priority over entertainment and other minor things we are talking about here. Let's keep that in mind.