I give them a chance to judge their own skillset. After looking at their resume, I have an idea based on the projects they take credit for, what their experience level should be. If what they state lines up with their resume, and they are unable to answer a simple question, with multiple hints and help, then I absolutely assume they are a liar (edit: or delusional, which is even worse. An expectation I have of seniors and above is to have some idea of knowing what they don't know).
It would be unreasonable for me to pass them through an interview that the other members on the team passed through based on "oh, they had a bad day".
Since you haven't been on the other side of the table, have you had coworkers who obviously were at a position above their skill level? Who allowed the rest of their team to carry them?
I've had periods wherey personal life has affected my productivity. That doesn't preclude my ability to write an algorithm that reverses a string nor write a simple SQL join. I don't ask brain teasers. I ask questions related to what the engineers under me will be expected to solve every day.
I mean, people shouldn't be reversing strings by hand, but being unable to do so is also very worrying. Not because manual string reversal is an everyday problem, but because you need to do similarly complicated things all the time. In fact, you need to do them even if you're not a dev, it's just that devs share a common language that makes string reversal a sensible problem to ask in an interview.
It isn't that hard to isolate a block of code that addresses a small cross section of your business rules and ask a candidate to do something meaningful with it.
That could be an excellent second, more involved, question. The first, super simple 2-minute sanity check question is to reverse a string. It's literally just a reverse for loop.
Then the complaint will be "they gave me a question about a really specific and hard to understand part of their code. It would have been easy to solve if I had familiarity with the concepts involved. Why didn't they just ask a similarly complicated question about strings instead?"
That's not really actionable. Even if my skills aren't up to pytester's standards, we still need to recruit developers now. And for what it's worth I doubt I'll ever be able to explain most of the tasks our business is doing what you refer to as "properly".
I joined a team two weeks ago that built a fairly complex machine learning pipeline. One week in I was told I needed to help interview a candidate.
I lopped off a block of the code, made it run without the rest of the code base and explained what it was supposed to do. This wasn't that simple, but could still be explained in about a minute to somebody with familiarity in ML (assumed; that's what we're hiring for). I then challenged the candidate to spot any bugs and implement a feature.
This really wasn't that hard. I've done the same thing twice before in two completely different industries.
Perhaps I just don't understand what you're proposing. If it's general enough to be presentable without any domain specifics, then it seems indistinguishable from a general algorithm like reversing a string. I don't use tasks quite as simple as string reversal but not far from it.
As I read it the main observable difference between your exercise and the kind of exercise you're arguing against is that you are starting with some baseline code that the candidate is supposed to modify. That seems like a pretty good idea, but I haven't used it yet.
Since you're attacking me, do you have any experience screening resumes? Phone screens? In-person interviews? Have you had the experience of a candidate that has apparently "done it all" on their resume, and confirmed their skill level when asked in-person, only to see them struggle with the simplest question in an area they deem themself an "expert" in?
I've interviewed well over 300 people, for positions from junior/entry-level to principal. If you read many of the comments to this article you'll hear other people with experience interviewing who also call out that candidates can and do lie. I don't like it, I'd rather it not be the case. I constrain the majority of my questioning to what a candidate claims to know on their resume. Here's a tip... If you don't know it (and I'm not talking about bullshit trivia questions), then don't put it on your resume.
Yup... and I don't know, for someone who has "300 people" worth of interview experience, you sure don't seem to be demonstrating in this thread the sort of level headed temperance and soft skills I would expect.
I'm joking. (sorta)
I'm glad to hear that you tailor to the resume, that's actually better than most and my favorite approach.
But if I had a dollar for every time someone walked out of an interview with a braggadocious claim like "they couldn't even do X, they must be lying" but then answer "no" to "did you ask them anything else?". I'd be rich.
Reversing a string is a bad example, it is dead easy. But it seems a lot of people have random substitutions for it of varying obscurity and difficulty.
My interview covers coding, data structures, algorithms, system design and data modeling. I attempt to tailor to the candidate, but there needs to be some level of standardization to be able to justify to the recruiters why a candidate didn't proceed.
Just because a candidate fails or falls short in one area doesn't mean they are cut, but it's a pretty large red flag if a candidate purports to know something, both on their resume and in person, yet can't answer some seemingly basic questions. If you state on your resume that you architected and implemented a system end to end, yet can't whiteboard the result and explain bottlenecks or failure conditions, I absolutely will assume you stretched the truth a bit. And if the candidate feels the need to do that to get the job, what will it be like to work with them? Could you trust their estimates? Would you be able to back them if something they delivered fails and you trusted them as a senior to deliver?
I ask follow-ups. I give hints. Honestly I'm dismayed at the skillset of purported "seniors" and "architects", and that's interviewing for small companies up to one of the FAANGs.
I've never counted but I must have done way more than 300 interviews. I have interviewed at 3/5 of the FAANG.
on a whiteboard or with someone watching over you has no correlation with performance on the job.
Data structures:
questions usually end up so contrite that they have no bearing to real-world situations. That or based on luck of seeing an remembering the right one. Data structures usually go hand in hand with algorithms.
questions become more like trivia or reinventing something that has likely got research papers on it. Oh, you want me to invent an algorithm I've never heard of on a whiteboard with your clues?
System design and data modelling:
the kind of thing you can do in an interview lacks real-world data. No empiricism. It's all about the trade-offs.
Tailoring to the candidate introduces inconsistency and unfairness/luck.
What if these "seniors" and "architects" are frauds?! How else could they hold down a job for 20 years and not be able to answer my questions? They must be really bad!
Lucky my interview process is really great and I always hire the good ones. I track every rejection and I have proof that they never amount to anything!
Do you allow candidates to use their normal workflow (which is dependent on access to Google, github and q&a sites) or are we putting people in an idealized workflow where the dev has to know everything? I think many developers and interviewers think using Google and StackOverflow is a sign of weakness. It may or may not be, but it is normal in many developers workflows.
I tell the candidates that I will happily be their Google/stack overflow. Some candidates ask questions along that line, some don't.
I agree that we don't code in a vacuum. What I'm trying to ascertain in the interview is how someone thinks, how they approach a problem and work through the solution. The more they communicate the better, even if part of that communication is "is there a length property on the String class?"
I note, but don't give it too much weight, if there are minor syntax errors. I ask candidates to walk through their code with an example input, especially the ones that have errors. If they catch their errors and fix them, I note that. If they skip over their errors because they assume the code does what they wanted it to, I note that.
Ultimately, can you reason through the problem, come up with a solution, and talk about the tradeoffs you made in your implementation. Any senior should be able to handle that without any preparation.
I worked at a FAANG where in several loop debriefs I was challenged on the complexity of my question. One of the challengers asks a chutes and ladders question (given a random chutes and ladders board, where you can choose between 1-6 for every move, what is the minimum number of moves to get to the end).
It doesn't take a hard technical question to figure out whether someone knows how to think and work through problems.
If you cant quickly write a function that reverses a string you either don't know the language at all or you can't solve simple problems. So either a liar or a completely incompetent engineer is a safe bet.
It would be unreasonable for me to pass them through an interview that the other members on the team passed through based on "oh, they had a bad day".
Since you haven't been on the other side of the table, have you had coworkers who obviously were at a position above their skill level? Who allowed the rest of their team to carry them?
I've had periods wherey personal life has affected my productivity. That doesn't preclude my ability to write an algorithm that reverses a string nor write a simple SQL join. I don't ask brain teasers. I ask questions related to what the engineers under me will be expected to solve every day.