>This is where things are at, whether you like it or not, especially for the working poor who can't afford to fork over a few hundred dollars every time something feels "off".
But you think they'll fork over hundreds of dollars for misguided tech toys that won't even address their actual medical problem?
>Hook up sensors to wearables, catch diseases early and at a massive scale, cure or treat them before they get extremely expensive.
Which diseases are you talking about? Hypertension? Diabetes? Obesity? Smoking? You don't need fancy medical toys to diagnose these problems, yet they're responsible for most morbidity.
Do you think a medical toy will somehow detect cancer? How exactly do you think this would work? Someone feels "off" one day so they plug in a "device"... ECG? Ultrasound? Urine analysis?
>To me it looks like it's the only way out of the ripoff "healthcare" scheme we're in right now.
The ripoff isn't from physicians practicing medicine, it's from outsiders who interfere with the patient-physician relationship to get their slice of the pie, ie insurance companies, healthcare MBAs, device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies. You think tech will replace physicians, but it's obvious you're completely misguided regarding the actual source of problems in healthcare.
But you think they'll fork over hundreds of dollars for misguided tech toys that won't even address their actual medical problem?
>Hook up sensors to wearables, catch diseases early and at a massive scale, cure or treat them before they get extremely expensive.
Which diseases are you talking about? Hypertension? Diabetes? Obesity? Smoking? You don't need fancy medical toys to diagnose these problems, yet they're responsible for most morbidity.
Do you think a medical toy will somehow detect cancer? How exactly do you think this would work? Someone feels "off" one day so they plug in a "device"... ECG? Ultrasound? Urine analysis?
>To me it looks like it's the only way out of the ripoff "healthcare" scheme we're in right now.
The ripoff isn't from physicians practicing medicine, it's from outsiders who interfere with the patient-physician relationship to get their slice of the pie, ie insurance companies, healthcare MBAs, device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies. You think tech will replace physicians, but it's obvious you're completely misguided regarding the actual source of problems in healthcare.