My YCombinator Applicants Video page ( ) got over 3000 uniques in a single day, many from domains of "very big name" companies here in the Bay Area.
I moved to Silicon Valley this summer to find angel funding and/or work. With me practically begging for angel money and/or work in the page comments, I thought for sure somebody would say "Hey, Patrick. You did all this basically by yourself. Obviously, you've got some sort of talent. We'll definately help you out." Instead... nothing. I got a total of 3 legitimate inquiries, all of which I responded, none of which I've heard back from a day later.
My question is... with all the deep pockets and easy start-up money I hear about, what's it take to get somebody to actually commit to some angel money?
Patrick Keys
citizenkeys AT gmail DOT com
3,000 uniques in a single day doesn’t validate an idea, let alone a business model. The influx of visitors you had is equivalent to the traffic any blog receives when one of its post hits the HN front page. Yet, none of them is complaining about not having gotten a lucrative book deal.
That being said, the idea of a torrent of videos is interesting. I’m much less convinced about its implementation. Not to sound rude, but a bunch of links on a wiki, that's it?
Maybe you could look at XSPF? It’s a shareable playlist format. See for more info. Since you are sharing links to videos, distributing them into a standard format could be a good idea for instance.
Or hook it to the YouTube API, to provide more info about each video. And most of the time, it takes a while before things get off the ground, so be patient and keep working hard on it.
Good luck.