I you had 3000 US$ a month to spend, for a year, how would you plan that money if you wanted to create a few (2, 3) online apps or something to generate a reliable income stream, generating, say, 5000$/m? Assume I can do some programming myself, but not all. Same with other tasks.
Another way to ask this: which parts of creating apps is it most efficient to spend money on. For example: a great visual design can be expensive, but you only have to (mostly) pay for it once. A few hours of a great (expensive) programmer can be better than a full time mediocre one. Marketing expenses should be x% of the budget. What types of apps would you focus on? And so on. All advice welcome!
1. College contests are a gold mine. Rather than pay a designer $1,000 to design your app post up flyers in the design department of your local college and offer a $300 prize for the best design. It's a great way to save money and you can often tap into $5,000 worth of talent from the students.
2. Don't use sites like scriptlance unless you're prepared to spec the project out very specifically. NEVER, EVER use them to do something you can't do yourself. In my experience sites for cheap labor will blow up in your face about 90% of the time so buyer beware (and if you do happen to find a quality person keep in contact with them outside the site)
3. Advertising really doesn't work that well when you're trying to get off the ground. There's just too much out there at this point. It's better to spend your time and effort contacting influential people. In my experience most people won't pay attention to advertising unless they've at least heard the name of the product through other means.
4. I can't say enough good things about Amazon's Web Services. If you have a lot of money there might be better options but for someone starting out with very little EC2 and S3 are great.
As for the programming itself the only advice I can offer is to do as much as you can by yourself. $3,000 a month really isn't all that much in the long term so time is the only resource you have in abundance. Most apps are relatively simple programming tasks that only get complicated when they have to scale. So even with rudimentary skills you should be able to do 80% of the work yourself.
Don't assume you have the skills now but the few hundred you spend on javascript and usability books could save you thousands if you put the effort into it.