Hi there like-minded souls,
I taught myself to code in C at a young age. I am very much an auto-didact and everything I know about software development comes from learning on the job and through my own curiosity (I have Compilers ... by Aho et al. staring at from the bookshelf as we speak), not from a comp-sci higher level education. In fact, I have a degree in philosophy and mathematics.
I have a ton of ideas that I'd love to pursue. Ideas in electronic poetry, and idea for a wysiwig live web-page builder, an idea for a syntactically extensible functional programming language. An idea for an anti-social networking site. But I never get anywhere with them. I'm always tinkering but never crafting. I always find some excuse to drop one thing and start another. I've taught myself Ruby on Rails a few years ago because PHP was getting me down and though I've been keeping myself up to date with jQuery and now Rails 3 I have never completed a website in it!
I would love some advice. But moreover I think I just need to get this off my chest so thanks for listening.
How do I choose one set of technologies (and stick with them) and learn them inside and out? How do I choose a project that will reward me intellectually and financially? and most importantly how do I get myself to stick at one thing from start to finish?
Now where was that Haskell tutorial ...
(You have 28 days or so left, which is the original schedule for BCC plus twenty days.)