Adam Curtis is great. He's been making films for about 30 years and has a large fimography. Early in his career he's made some 20th century history documentary series, very recommended. Lately he's been making great films about contemporary phenomenon, I loved both of his last films, Bitter Lake (2015) and HyperNormalisation (2016). Highly recommended, especially the latter.
I love all the films I've seen by him, but I feel like Hypernormalisation was a cut above the rest. Adam Curtis feels like a continental philosopher (yes, I know he's British) making films instead of writing books and Hypernormalisation feels like his Magnum Opus. This interview is probably a great way to get the same in writing.
Great recommendations, just read the HyperNormalization excerpt and it is like world gamification and something that Nassim Taleb was writing with other words since Fooled by Randomness.