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If your Tesla knows where you are, China may too (apnews.com)
14 points by bookmtn on Nov 29, 2018 | hide | past | favorite | 2 comments

HN title is clickbait and doesn’t match the article. (HN title: If your Tesla knows where you are, China May too)

Tesla vehicles sold in China report location data to the Chinese government.

> But other countries that are major markets for electronic vehicles — the United States, Japan, across Europe — do not collect this kind of real-time data.

But it kinda is though. Honestly, I don't know why but this doesn't really surprised me at all. China is, and continues to go crazy serious with their AI business so the Chinese government knowing your location shouldn't be a shock to anyone anymore. However, it's nice to finally hear the Chinese people voice their opinion about this. I mean, it's a good idea for tracking criminals, but for common people, yeah, that's just creepy.

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