> no, the worst case is that capital was misallocated,
Who is to say this isn’t happening already? I don’t see many signs it’s well allocated today. Look at healthcare costs in America. Look at our defense spending for little tangible return. Look at the homeless on the streets. Look at where VC investments are going (ads, lifestyle spending, and automation—little to no benefit to society as the productivity returns go to the capitalists). Look at the debt necessary to get what is commonly considered a base for any career, ie a degree. Symptomatically, cash is already misallocated for a society that bolsters values I hold dear.
> growth that could’ve happened, didn’t
Ahh yes, the “market before everything” philosophy. I don’t buy into it. If growth were meaningfully good we’d see wage increase adjusted for inflation in the lower class. We haven’t seen this for decades.
> Probably from rich person to rich person, but there's the hope tax money goes to actual services. At worst we're in the same position.
no, the worst case is that capital was misallocated, and growth that could've happened, didn't.
all future humans are then harmed.