I don't understand why you feel like it's sad or pathetic that people would need a model to follow something you deem as common sense. I'm sure there are plenty of people smarter than you or I that think everything tech related is "common sense".
The whole point of a diagram for something like this is so that the people without 'common sense' can learn things that weren't instilled into them growing up. Is it really a pathetic situation for people to be teaching the unaware?
I get what you're saying in that it should be obvious, I think so myself! That is that anybody with my education and upbringing should understand easily. But if I look at somebody who grew up in a poor household and had the shit beaten out of them everyday by their parents and dropped out of high school, I wouldn't expect them to know the optimal way to behave socially.
This diagram is nothing more than a psychologist's theoretical doodle.
The diagram is not needed. Pasting it to your fridge, as mentioned in the article, is not needed.
Obviously I'm not referring to "my sadness" when I use the expression "it's sad". It's pathetic that anyone would need to refer to such a diagram before interacting with other people on any level.
Just because a psychologist made the diagram and guidelines on sensitivity in communication, does not automatically disqualify arguments against such a diagram or guidelines. There's nothing to take away here except the reinforcement of common sense when it comes to social interaction in sensitive circumstances.
Both sadness and patheticism (real word?) can exist only in the eye of the beholder. If you're not the one sad about it, then who is? It sounds like you're saying "it" is just objectively and platonically sad. In my opinion, that is not a thing.